Join writers Kristi Anderson and Vic Klimoski for this 2024 New Year online writing consortium.
A Group of Writing Explorers
Every story is an adventure. Be part of a group of writing explorers who uncover what it means to thrive from within, in your church and in your community. The four-part series begins with discovering the importance of personal narrative, addressing woes and challenges, unearthing our vocation and dreaming new futures into being.
Each 60-minute session begins with prayer followed by a guest storyteller and thematic discourse. Participants will then have time during the session to break apart the message in writing. The group will return to share thoughts and excerpts from their work. No writing experience necessary!
Personalized Coaching
In addition to the session, participants who wish to receive further writing help on their emerging story can arrange up to three 30-minute sessions with either Kristi or Vic.
The consortium will meet Mondays on Zoom from Noon-1 pm CST
January 8 Session 1: My Story Begins
January 15 Session 2: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it
January 22 Session 3: Thriving in Vocation
January 29 Session 4: Riding the Wave into the Future
Kristi Anderson is a tender-hearted, hope-filled writer. She has won numerous awards from the Catholic Media Association for her writing and editing. In 2022, she won first place from the association as “Writer of the Year”. Kristi is the editor of The Central Minnesota Catholic, as well as the co-chair of the Eucharistic Revival for the Diocese of Saint Cloud. She holds a MA in Pastoral Ministry from Saint John’s School of Theology.
Vic Klimoski cares about words. He is a writer, adult educator, and consultant. He employs the written word, especially in poetic form, to escort us into Mystery and to help us give expression to our encounters with God. Vic has written and published numerous poems and authored several books related to leadership and ministry. Vic holds a MA in Theology from Saint John’s School of Theology and a Ph.D. in adult learning and development.