Supporting Pastoral Leaders
​Transitioning from individual parishes to Area Catholic Communities has included new structures and systems for the pastoral leadership team. This can prove both invigorating and challenging, depending on unique factors in each community and circumstance. These kinds of dynamics require pastoral leaders to be attentive and proactive to best-practices for cultivating healthy workplace relationships and processes. Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission equips pastoral leadership teams with reliable data, effective training, and practical resources. This support helps these leaders draw closer to one another and practice listening together for where the Holy Spirit might be leading.
The Workplace for Thriving Communities
Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission can provide your pastoral leaders with trustworthy data, expert consultation, and guided planning processes. Download a workbook or request a meeting using the form below.

Ministering Across Differences
It can be hard to see where communication broke down and even more difficult to adopt practices that help us sustain connection and collaboration across differences. Leaders, teams, and communities need prayerful processes, concrete principles, and guidance from someone who's committed to the mission.

Sustaining a Healthy Ministerial Workplace Training
Offered as a retreat or a series of workshops, this training explores the dynamics of sustaining a healthy workplace. Explore how better awareness of social identity, organizational culture, and unique personalities help a staff cultivate shared commitment and improved collaboration in advancing the message of the Gospel.

Intercultural Development Inventory
The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is a widely used and effective cross-culturally valid assessment for building cultural competence. Under the guidance of a trained facilitator, use this inventory as a basis for discussion, reflection, and discernment.

Shared Ministry Workshop
Enlist the guidance of Dr. Barbara Sutton and her depth of experience in pastoral planning, ministering across differences, interculturality, and workplace health. She will bring a theologically grounded and immediately practical experience to your faith community, council, or team.
Healthy Workplaces
We need tools and stories like these to help us learn and sustain ministerial workplaces that contribute to thriving communities . . .