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Pathways to Co-Responsibility

Find resources and support to help your leaders and community thrive

Ministry is Challenging

  • Financial pressures

  • Differing perspectives

  • Waning engagement

  • Organizational change


Communities Can Thrive

By using best practices in pastoral planning, ministering across differences, engaging those on the margins, and discerning gifts and callings

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We are partners

  • Listening to your needs and dreams

  • Drawing on the Catholic Benedictine tradition

  • Leveraging financial resources and learning opportunities to empower pastoral leaders

  • Providing expert consultation on ministerial well-being and effective ministry teams

Check out the Latest


Area Catholic Communities are preparing for pastoral visits with Bishop Neary. This will be an opportunity for each of the 29 ACCs to tell their story - stories embodied with hope and challenges. More...

What does a thriving mission look like? In part, listening synodally. On Nov. 5, 2023, a room full of people helped co-create that kind of thriving. Listening, baptismal dignity, and communal discernment were embodied through prayerful conversation. More...


A thriving mission empowers community member to pursue their "Big Ideas." Do you have a dream? Apply for financial help and accompaniment from the Building Bridges for a Thriving Mission Initiative. More...

Recent Posts

The Initiative at a Glance



The Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission effort models collaborative ministry between individuals, communities, and institutions

Bridge Builders

Building connections and vitality in a community requires teams of people committed to establishing and sustaining relationships.


Pastoral Planning

A thriving mission depends on pastoral planning that is rooted in prayer and discernment, as well as accurate information.

Worship and Community

A thriving mission has its source in liturgical worship and aims toward the flourishing of life in community.


Gift Discernment

People can gain a clearer sense of their God-given uniqueness and callings that reflect the ways they pray, see the world, and serve.

Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices help us attend to and cultivate the intersections between faith and life. Benedictine wisdom helps guide the way.


Ministerial Workplace

Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission equips pastoral teams with reliable data, effective training, and practical resources.

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  1. LISTEN – Work with your people to identify the core challenge you are facing as a leader or a community

  2. SCHEDULE - Meet with Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission to explore possibilities

  3. THRIVE - Practice thriving in ministry with guidance and support


Dr. Barbara Sutton


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"Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission"

is a grant awarded to Saint John's School of Theology and Ministry through the generosity of the Lilly Endowment Inc.

Sam Rahberg

Associate Director

Upcoming Events

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